I looked at your web quest, I thought that it was very easily understood and was neatly laid out. The only thing that I would maybe have you consider is actually adding your evaluation and ending questions to your site. Also i didnt see any websites that you got for them to gather there information form. Other then that i thought that your web quest was very good! Good work! :)
Hi Everyone! My name would be Lisa, and Im a sophmore here at FSU. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends..oh, and playing tennis of course.
"You only need three things in life: a wishbone, a backbone, and funny bone."
ReplyDeleteI looked at your web quest, I thought that it was very easily understood and was neatly laid out. The only thing that I would maybe have you consider is actually adding your evaluation and ending questions to your site. Also i didnt see any websites that you got for them to gather there information form. Other then that i thought that your web quest was very good! Good work! :)